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  • What is Para-Consciousness: The Potential Beyond What We Know

  • Discovering the Vastly Integrated Processes Inside Nature, Book 6
  • De : Vipin Gupta
  • Lu par : Andrea Fuller
  • Durée : 6 h et 59 min

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What is Para-Consciousness: The Potential Beyond What We Know

De : Vipin Gupta
Lu par : Andrea Fuller
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    What is Para-Consciousness: The Potential Beyond What We Know shakes the very foundations of the modern knowledge-based theories and economic models.

    Have you ever realized that the present reality zeros the value of experience-derived consciousness? Unless you wish to reproduce and relive your or somebody else's past, it makes no sense to use that experience. If we exclude you, the person making a decision when to use or not use the experience, then the ideal you use to create the consciousness of what you should do in the present, akin to religious fervor, is quantum gravity. It overshadows your potential to be spontaneous, joyful, and divine.

    A self-luminous element guides your ability to decide when to activate experience instead of improvising based on the situation's needs. A self-luminous element is like an astrological element; it has an innate power to predict the future of everything since it mirrors the present of everybody. The present astrological chart shows your correlation as a person with each of the planetary bodies. Each planetary body signifies a unique group of entities in your life, such as the self, the spouse, the siblings, the father, the mother, the ancestors, the kin, the kith, the foe, the leaders, the followers, and the material wealth. Your network of relationships at present shapes your workforce in the future. It also shapes the exchange of your experience with the future mood spontaneity, joyful destiny, and behavioral divinity. Stronger the network entanglement, the weaker your self-luminosity.

    Dependence on the borrowed consciousness limits your potential to live a fresh life, free of the limits of everybody's experiences. Dr. Vipin Gupta has a Ph.D. in managerial science and applied economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a gold medalist from the Post-graduate Program of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India. He is a Professor of sensible management and appropriate science at the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration, California State University San Bernardino, USA.

    ©2021 Vipin Gupta (P)2021 Vipin Gupta

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