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  • What in the World?!

  • A Southern Woman's Guide to Laughing at Life's Unexpected Curveballs and Beautiful Blessings
  • De : Leanne Morgan
  • Lu par : Leanne Morgan
  • Durée : 9 h

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What in the World?!

De : Leanne Morgan
Lu par : Leanne Morgan
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    The “Mrs. Maisel of Appalachia” packs a hilarious punch with real talk about what it’s like to be a woman today—from rebelling against the latest diet trends to dealing with perimenopausal mean girls and attending rock concerts in middle age.

    For a long time, no one pulling the strings in the comedy world thought that a woman over fifty from rural Tennessee could make it in the industry. But Leanne Morgan has defied the odds, reaching millions with her musings on hormones, low-rise britches, Weight Watchers, and her opposites-attract relationship with her husband, Chuck.

    In her charming southern accent, Morgan brings listeners inside her quest to find her voice after spending many years trying to figure out what that meant. Along the way, we learn how she grew up as a butcher’s daughter, landed a husband with health insurance, honed her stand-up technique selling jewelry at house parties, embraced the glories of aging, and surrendered to the comfort of wearing big flesh-toned panties.

    Equal parts warm and hilarious, this book is a must-hear by one of comedy’s rising stars—reminding you that every time life leaves you asking “What in the world?!,” something good is bound to come out of it someday.

    ©2024 Leanne Morgan (P)2024 Random House Audio


    “This book is the inspirational story that we all need. With hard work, determination, and a quick sense of humor, Leanne Morgan went from marriage to motherhood to realizing her dreams. And she tells you all about it—yes, all of it—in her signature tell-it-like-it-is southern style that will make you chuckle from start to finish. No one makes me laugh harder than Leanne Morgan!”—Reese Witherspoon

    “Leanne Morgan’s What in the World?! made me laugh, cry, relate . . . all of it! I saw myself in her stories of growing up on a farm and having big dreams, and not having any idea how to make them come true. And she tells every story with great humor and a big heart. I was cheering for her all along as I watched her faith and determination take her to the top of her game. I adore Leanne now more than I already did! I loved every word.”—Trisha Yearwood

    “It is a scientific fact that everyone loves Leanne Morgan, and for good reason. She is warm, inviting, kind, and very funny. Somehow, What in the World?! captures and delivers all of Leanne’s charms. This book is exactly what we need today. I could hear her say every word I read.”—Jim Gaffigan

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