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Couverture de What a Women Needs to Succeed in the Business World

What a Women Needs to Succeed in the Business World

De : Joni M. Spehar-Taylor
Lu par : ML De Blasi
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    In What a Woman Needs to Succeed in the Business World; Breaking Habits and Rising, we embark on an empowering journey that unveils the untapped potential within every aspiring female leader. This book is a testament to the limitless capabilities of women in the corporate and business landscape, providing a roadmap to breaking barriers, transcending limitations, and achieving unparalleled success.

    With poignant insights, practical advice, and inspiring quotes, this book serves as a trusted companion for women striving to shatter the glass ceiling. It challenges the norms and stereotypes that have held women back for far too long, urging them to embrace their unique strengths, assertiveness, and innovative thinking.

    Every minute is brimming with tips on effective communication, building a strong professional network, understanding the different types of management, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Whether you're a seasoned executive or an aspiring entrepreneur, this book offers insights that resonate universally across various stages of a woman's career.

    ©2023 Joni M. Spehar-Taylor (P)2023 Joni M. Spehar-Taylor

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