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  • What You Should Do When You Don't Know What to Do

  • How to Make the Right Choice When You Are Facing Confusion and Distress
  • De : Yesenia Then
  • Lu par : Brianna Roberts
  • Durée : 5 h et 8 min

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What You Should Do When You Don't Know What to Do

De : Yesenia Then
Lu par : Brianna Roberts
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    The power of choice is one of the most important abilities we have. But we must have the right discernment to use it as we should, since everything we are today is the product of decisions we made yesterday; and what we will be tomorrow depends on decisions we make today.

    Choosing between right and wrong is not always easy, but the biggest challenge we sometimes face is making the best decision when we have to choose among many options that seem good and identify which one is the best for us.

    For several years, Pastor Yesenia Then has written uplifting and educational books, in response to this generation’s questions and needs. This book you have at hand is made up of different topics that will bring direction and understanding based on Biblical advice, regarding decisions that are not always easy to make, in order to help you discern what is best for you according to the purpose for which God created you.

    What You Should Do When You Don’t Know What to Do will, without a doubt, build your heart and bring direction to whatever situation you are going through now, or may face later.

    ©2023 Yesenia Then (P)2023 Yesenia Then Ministry

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