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  • What You Don't Know

  • Successfully Lead a Software Project...Without Tech Expertise
  • De : William Bralick
  • Lu par : Dr Will Bralick
  • Durée : 4 h et 8 min

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What You Don't Know

De : William Bralick
Lu par : Dr Will Bralick
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    Starting a software development project is easy…but finishing it? Successfully? Is a different story. Software CAN be developed that meets real needs, and its development can be both efficient and effective. But. You have to know what you are up against. You need to know what questions to ask and how to understand the answers.

    A nontechnical manager, business owner, or SaaS founder who is responsible for the creation of a software system has a problem. A big problem. Crafting a software system is a complex process fraught with unexpected difficulties, impenetrable jargon, and hidden risks. Overwhelming.

    Adrift in a "fog of ignorance". You don't even know what you don't know....

    The depth of those gaps in your knowledge may be substantial, but they can be filled selectively by learning or by hiring the expertise. But in that "fog of ignorance" there is not even enough information to guide the learning or hiring.

    This book burns off that fog to at least get you the clarity on what your "gaps in knowledge" are.

    This book is intended for nontech SaaS founders, managers, and owner/operators who do not have a technical background but who are in a position that includes leading one or more technical projects. A great gift for your PHB.

    Dr. Will has a BS, MS, and PhD all in computer science as well as 40+ years managing software projects in the US Air Force, Texas Instruments, Raytheon, Collective Technologies, Club Corp, STX Cadware, and his own business Paladin Logic, Ltd. Dr. Will was a pioneer in online instruction for the US Air Force and has taught courses in computer science and software engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology, Naval Postgraduate School, Southern Methodist University, Central Michigan University, and University of Dallas.

    ©2022 William Bralick (P)2022 William Bralick

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