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Couverture de What Women Tell Me

What Women Tell Me

De : Anita Lustrea
Lu par : Anita Lustrea
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    When you host a program for women, and you open up the phone lines, email box, and Facebook page, you often resonate with their heart-breaking stories. That's been the case as women have tuned in to Moody Radio's Midday Connection, a radio show co-hosted by author Anita Lustrea, and shared their struggles and victories. When issues are raised such as loneliness, friendship, mothering, domestic abuse, sexual addiction, and body image, women pour out their hearts.

    Lustrea has heard heart-breaking stories through the years, and those stories have intersected with her own story of heartbreak. God lovingly weaves these stories into a tapestry to be used for His glory.

    Lustrea's story means nothing without the impact of all of the other stories she has heard. Sometimes the church tries to sweep the hard stories under the carpet. Somehow we've gotten the impression that the hard things of life shouldn't be shared. But when you allow your stories to become known, start to interact with the stories of others, and then allow God to work in and through your life, something miraculous starts to happen.

    In What Women Tell Me, Anita Lustrea tells her story along with the difficult stories of other women. For a long time, she listened to those who said "You can only hurt others by sharing your wounds." When she realized that was a lie, she saw for the first time that through her wounds, she could be an agent of healing in the body of Christ.

    ©2010 Anita Lustrea (P)2010 Zondervan

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