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Couverture de What Saves Us

What Saves Us

De : Maggie Gates
Lu par : Emma Wilder, Sebastian York
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    People you shouldn’t fall in love with:

    • Your best friend’s sister.
    • Your best friend’s pregnant sister.
    • Your best friend’s sister after you deliver her baby.
    • Your best friend’s sister when she’s an exhausted, overwhelmed new mother who has to deal with her crazy baby daddy and meddling townspeople

    But rules were meant to be broken.

    Full moons and fate have a way of pushing people together when they least expect it.

    When Beth Hale called 911 when she was in labor, the last person she thought would show up was her brother’s best friend.

    Now, he’s the only person she trusts.

    Former Navy SEAL Shane Hutchins has demons of his own. Reinventing himself as a small town paramedic was supposed to be his atonement for the things he had done. Falling in love with a single mom wasn’t in his plan, but now he’d do anything for her and the baby girl he calls “his.”

    Even if it means putting his life on the line.


    Get ready for a heart-pounding, feels-packed love story with a fairy tale happily ever after, and some moments that are so hot they’ll melt your Kindle!

    Please refer to the note regarding sensitive content and topics in What Saves Us in the preface of the book or the author’s website before listening.

    What Saves Us is the final book in the Falls Creek Series. This book can be listened to as a standalone, but it is recommended to listen to the series in order.

    ©2023 Maggie Gates (P)2024 Blue Nose Publishing

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