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What Makes Me Happy?

De : Miguel Garcia, Mike Garcia
Lu par : Vic Martinez
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This is my story of what needs to be done in order to live a happier life, simply by doing exactly what makes you happy.

First of all, you need to be cautious because there are many scoundrels out there - only a stone's throw away - that will try their best to stop you dead in your tracks. I know this first hand, because I have often encountered these life sucking predators. They are always on the prowl, masquerading in sheep's clothing ready to do damage to our psyche. Please, don't let them do it to you! Remember, you only have one life to live! As long as you take the high road in advancing the human condition and not hurting anyone, why not get on board this voyage of self-enhancement?

Over the years, I have witnessed the pleasure spread across people's faces when I have asked the question, "What makes you happy?" The overwhelming response has been incredibly positive. In an instant you start to see a soothing change in their facial demeanor. They begin to open up to you as they become immersed in their own story, letting the floodgates loose; as the waters wash away any previously held apprehensions.

Try this exercise on your own and you will see what I'm talking about. You will soon inherit a valuable new treasure, inexplicably, via a warp speed change in attitude that is so powerful that they will never forget you or your name. So come aboard this inner vessel and go ahead and ask the Big Question: "What makes YOU happy too"? Because I know "What makes ME happy" and I'm going to share that right now.

©2012 Mike/Miguel Garcia (P)2013 Mike/Miguel Garcia
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