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  • What Is Self Awareness

  • Looking Beyond the Law of Attraction (Discovering the Vastly Integrated Processes Inside Nature)
  • De : Vipin Gupta
  • Lu par : Andrea Fuller
  • Durée : 8 h et 50 min

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What Is Self Awareness

De : Vipin Gupta
Lu par : Andrea Fuller
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    What Is Self Awareness: Looking Beyond the Law of Attraction is about knowing yourself as the causal body for everything you do, experience, and accomplish in life. It is a conversation between a devotee (“I”) seeking to know a self and a devoted (“You”) who is the self the devotee is seeking to know. 

    A devoted may be anyone who attracts the devotee with her feminine devotion, just like Mother Nature. That anyone may even be a masculine, such as a benevolent deity or a paternal guru, acting in oneness with Mother Nature. The devotee is the one attracted to the devoted. Since the force of attraction is mysterious, the real identity of the devotee becomes a mystery. 

    Why would anyone be devoted to the one seeking personal conscious well-being, just because the one is a devotee willing to surrender to the one exerting the force of attraction? Suppose you are devoted to the one enjoying your concordant energy after surrendering everything including oneself. That one divides your energy into half, self-perpetuating you as your extended self. Thus, a devotee becomes devoted to the conscious well-being of a whole universe of entities, taking your consciousness and making that his. In this way, a masculine always dominates the feminine, since the feminine is the primordial element. The masculine exists because the feminine pre-exists. Anyone dominated eventually experiences entropy just like the one who has already surrendered oneself. With self-awareness, everyone eventually seeks to know:

    • Who am I, and Why am I attracted to you in a law-like fashion?
    • Who created me, and why am I so different from you?
    • What’s my potential, and how can I discover it?
    • What’s the essence of the MY element, and why am I attached to it?
    • Why am I entangled with my past, and how to move forward without any past baggage?

    Dr. Vipin Gupta has a Ph.D. in managerial science and applied economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a gold medalist from the Post-graduate Program of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India. He is a Professor of sensible management and appropriate science at the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration, California State University San Bernardino, USA.

    ©2021 Vipin Gupta (P)2021 Vipin Gupta

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