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  • What Is Present Reality

  • The Power of Managing the Limits of Science
  • De : Vipin Gupta
  • Lu par : Andrea Fuller
  • Durée : 10 h et 10 min

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What Is Present Reality

De : Vipin Gupta
Lu par : Andrea Fuller
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    "What is present reality" is an incredibly profound but straightforward exposition of the "limits of science".

    Every scientist wishes that someone will falsify the world crafted using the present body of scientific methods one day. One such world comprises the manifold versions of relativity theories, measuring E = mc^2. Suppose one deified scientist had not mathematically derived the value of energy in this way. In that case, today's scientists will not bind their understanding to the light serviced by the deified leader scientist, traded and squared by them as a devoted follower. Evidently, when one conceives energy as mc^2, its value—without the presence of the leader deity—is zero.

    This landmark work, grounded in India’s ancient cultural metaphysics, challenges the present reality of what we know and believe to be true, whether about divinity, or spirituality, or the universe of objects or subjects, or us as a person. A unique feature is the precise quantification of the lightless energies, of both the present reality as well as the varying paradigms and doctrines working on modifying that. It is a part of a series of 12 books that democratizes the ability to understand our present reality, beyond those who are experts in modern science, and use this understanding for personal as well as societal well-being.

    ©2021 Vipin Gupta (P)2022 Vipin Gupta

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