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What Do Animals Think and Feel?

De : Karsten Brensing
Lu par : Kris Dyer
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    In What Do Animals Think and Feel?, the biologist Karsten Brensing has something astonishing to tell us about the animal kingdom: namely that animals, by any reasonable assessment, have developed the sophisticated systems of social organisation and behaviour that human beings call 'culture'. 

    Dolphins call one another by name and orcas inhabit a culture that is over 700,000 years old. Chimpanzees wage strategic warfare while bonobos delight in dirty talk. Ravens enjoy snowboarding on snow-covered roofs, and snails like to spin on hamster exercise wheels. 

    Humped-back whales follow the dictates of fashion, and rats are dedicated party animals. Ants recognise themselves in mirrors and spruce themselves up before they return home. 

    Ducklings can pass complicated tests in abstract thinking. Dogs punish disloyalty, though they are also capable of forgiveness if you apologise to them. 

    Brensing draws on the latest scientific findings as well as his own experience working with animals to reveal a world of behavioural and cognitive sophistication that is remarkable similar to our own.

    ©2019 Karsten Brensing (P)2019 Head of Zeus

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