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  • What Businesses Need to Know Right Now

  • Lessons Learned from Interviewing Businesses During a Pandemic
  • De : Nettie Owens
  • Lu par : Ruthie Bowles
  • Durée : 6 h et 30 min

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What Businesses Need to Know Right Now

De : Nettie Owens
Lu par : Ruthie Bowles
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    When you need advice for what is happening in the world right now as it affects your business, you don't have time to take a course and become the expert. You need to tap into the knowledge of those who have already figured out the next steps.

    This compilation of interviews was taken in the first six months of the pandemic when the world was both at a standstill and changing moment to moment. Decision-making was difficult at best and there was a collective fog of emotion that clouded the question of, "What do we do now?"

    Covering everything from strategy to diversity, finance to mindset, these 47 interviews speak to the need in the moment and business truths that transcended the situation.

    Included in these lines, you will find:

    • The underutilized well of creativity and growth potential that exists for every business.
    • The formula for reaching prospects and closing sales no matter the environment.
    • The one thing that makes the difference between businesses that thrive and those that fold in a crisis.

    This is your tap, directly into the minds of business owners and experts with the exact information you need right now to overcome your challenges, optimize your business, and grow even when there is chaos around you. This volume was designed in an accessible, ADHD-friendly way. Written in article style with easily digestible chunks of information, topic, and key action steps.

    About the Author

    Nettie Owens, CPO-CD, works with high achiever business owners to ensure they reach their growth goals without burning out or sacrificing the people they care about the most. You can follow her at

    ©2021 Nettie Owens (P)2022 Nettie Owens

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