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Couverture de What Are the Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO

What Are the Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO

De : Mike Lindell
Lu par : Mike Lindell
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    Far more than a "business memoir", What Are the Odds? is a raw, authentic account by a man many thought would never rise above his serial, addiction-fueled failures. Mike's gripping narrative transports listeners from his small-town tavern with its colorful cast of "regulars" to Mexico and a drug deal gone awry. From Las Vegas casinos, where Mike won and lost fortunes as a professional gambler, to a jail-cell beatdown. From failed rehabs to his 20-year marriage, an ideal union decimated by addiction. And finally, to the redemption of the most shameful moment of his life.

    An unvarnished account of the ravages of cocaine, crack, and gambling addiction, What Are the Odds? tells the improbable tale of how a small-town guy with a dream somehow made it a reality. More importantly, Mike opens up about the God who relentlessly chased him down, turning him from a casual believer to a passionate evangelist with an absolute, mathematical certainty that God is real. What Are the Odds? will not only speak to entrepreneurs and those struggling with addiction, but also to anyone looking for a message of hope.

    Recorded and edited at Luna Sound by Lorenzo Crescibene.

    (Due to the holographic cover this will not be accepted into prisons/jails. Please choose the prison approved version.)

    ©2020 Mike Lindell (P)2020 Mike Lindell

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