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Couverture de Westin


De : Raya Morris Edwards
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    “I’m out of the garden and I left with the snake.”

    Set in the rural beauty of northern Montana, Westin picks up where Sovereign left off and delves into the tumultuous love story of Westin Quinn and Diane Garrison.

    Diane has lived on Carter Farms for her entire life. Raised with her older brother by their Nana, she learned to be strong, smart, and independent.

    But after her Nana’s death, Diane finds herself stuck in a tedious existence under the thumb of her bitter brother, David.

    All that changes when a cowboy from Sovereign Mountain, the biggest and most infamous ranch around, shows up.

    He’s dangerous and forbidden. And he pulls her into a whirlwind, scorching hot romance that’s doomed from the start.

    But when faced with the possibility of losing the family farm, Diane is forced to give up the one thing she wants most—freedom to choose her own destiny.

    She’s not as alone as she thinks, because Westin Quinn, the cowboy from Sovereign Mountain, never moved on.

    And he’s got a plan to get his girl back.

    Westin is a dark cowboy romance with heavy themes and content suitable for adults only. Trigger and content warnings will be provided on the author's site.

    ©2024 Raya Morris Edwards (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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