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    WestFae - A New Young Adult Fantasy Series

    Lou O’Connor’s soul has been wounded many times over. His father abandoned his mother, who then died giving birth to Lou. The girl he loved married his best friend. He has strange abilities that some might call a gift… but Lou calls a curse because they cost him his true love. And, although he appears a perpetual 17 years old, he has been alive for more than 150 years... without a clue why.

    Now, decades later in 1882, Lou feels compelled to return to the valley in the Colorado frontier that he’d once called home, but had fled from in grief and betrayal. He doesn't know why he feels so powerfully drawn. But he’s had a strange, recurring dream that his true love needed him.

    And then he saw the girl… Sixteen years old, with flowing auburn hair, hazel eyes—and the spitting image of the girl he had loved so many years before. And she is in trouble. Her ranch—the one originally founded by Lou and his best friend—is the target of two cattle barons in a vicious range war.

    But Lou has a complication that he doesn't know about. Over two thousand years earlier, as iron weapons and armor had begun to engulf the old world in Ireland, the Fae chose to migrate to a New World across the western ocean.

    However, a rogue Fae Lord chafes at the hidden, anonymous role that the Fae in the New World must fill. Now he plans an uprising to shift the balance of power. And, as part of that uprising, he intends to purge all human blood from the New World. Lou unknowingly crosses paths with this Fae Lord, and, without understanding the depth of the conflict, must end it.

    What begins as an attempt to save the ranch belonging to the granddaughter of Lou's once-best friend turns into a conflict that will determine the future of an entire continent.

    WestFae is Book 1 of an epic new series of fantasy young adult listeners will truly love.

    ©2024 Profit Max Life LLC (P)2024 Profit Max Life LLC

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