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Couverture de Wench


De : Maxine Kaplan
Lu par : Justis Bolding
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    “Tanya was good at many things, but her most useful gift was breaking up bar fights.”

    Tanya has been working at her tavern, the Smiling Snake, since she was able to see above the bar. She broke up her first fight at age eight. By the time she was a teenager, she could run the place with her eyes closed. And now, at seventeen, she’s confident enough that she’d never let anyone take advantage of her—whether it be a drunkard or captain of the Queen’s guard.

    But when her guardian dies, she might lose it all: the bar, her home, and her purpose in life. Even though she doesn’t see herself as a hero, she sets off on a quest to petition the queen and save her tavern. Along the way, she’ll have to navigate corrupt guards, swashbuckling thieves, a city of fire, and an enchanted feather that seems to be calling to her …

    Fast-paced, action-packed, and totally magical, Wench is epic fantasy like you’ve never seen it before.

    “A fierce, feminist romp through the adventures of a tavern wench. Like an old classic fairy tale, with bands of thieves and magical feathers, but with more badass female characters.”—Shea Ernshaw, New York Times bestselling author of The Wicked Deep

    ©2021 Maxine Kaplan (P)2024 Recorded Books

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