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  • Well Said

  • Choosing Words That Speak Life, Give Grace, and Strengthen Your Faith and Family
  • De : Sarah Molitor
  • Lu par : Sarah Molitor
  • Durée : 6 h et 15 min

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Well Said

De : Sarah Molitor
Lu par : Sarah Molitor
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    Maybe you knew how much something would hurt, but you said it anyway because it felt good in the moment. Maybe you’re fighting a habit of complaining or yelling, when you really want to be a person who speaks with kindness and patience. Or maybe you stay silent because you’re never quite sure what to say. Whatever your “maybe” may be, you are in the right place. As a wife, mom, and the creator of the popular Modern Farmhouse Family Instagram, Sarah Molitor has learned firsthand that yes, words can hurt―but they can also help and heal.

    In Well Said, she uses authentic, relatable stories paired with Biblical truth to help readers

    • Use their words to create grace-filled, positive relationships
    • Develop a healthy, balanced approach to social media (and find their wisdom filter)
    • Feel equipped to use words to forgive and reconcile differences so they can live freely and fully . . . and so much more.

    Well Said helps you explore what it means to speak words that direct you to the very heart of Jesus. Sarah will be the trusted friend who walks alongside you, encouraging you to discover God’s true desire for the words we speak every day.

    ©2023 Sarah Molitor (P)2023 Tyndale House Publishers

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