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  • Welcome to Mansfield

  • The Austen Chronicles, Book 1
  • De : A.R. Farina
  • Lu par : AA McCartney
  • Durée : 11 h et 13 min

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Couverture de Welcome to Mansfield

Welcome to Mansfield

De : A.R. Farina
Lu par : AA McCartney
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    Sometimes you have to leave home to find where you really belong.

    Junior Price wanted desperately to get out of her small town and the demands of her big family. Upon winning a scholarship to an elite private college thousands of miles away, she packed her bags and went to find her place in the world. She soon discovers that she may not be ready to be out on her own.

    Mansfield College is full of the rich and the wealthy who play by a whole different set of rules. She tries her best to fit in and follow her heart only to discover that her small-town southern charm doesn’t work on everyone.

    Will she become someone she doesn’t recognize to try to make everyone happy or will she find herself and become the young woman she wants to be? This book is a modern-day, coming-of-age retelling of the classic Jane Austen story filled with heartache and friendship.

    ©2023 AR Farina (P)2023 AR Farina

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