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Couverture de Welcome Home to Murder

Welcome Home to Murder

De : Rosalie Spielman
Lu par : Eleanor McCormick
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    Tessa Treslow never wanted a small-town life. As soon as she graduated high school, she happily escaped her tiny town to join the army, leaving New Oslo, Idaho, population 852, firmly behind her. Twenty years later, the hometown hero is finally ready to come back—even if she has just a visit in mind while her family is hoping to convince her to stay.

    With her boxer, Vince, in tow, Tessa falls into the unsettlingly familiar small-town life, helping out in her family's general store and her feisty Aunt Edna's auto body shop. But her peaceful homecoming is suddenly shattered when the dead body of a crooked con man turns up in her aunt's shop. To make matters worse, the sheriff in charge just happens to be Tessa's ex-boyfriend . . . And things did not end well between them all those years ago. When it comes out that the con man was trying to get his hands on the family business, Tessa knows they're in trouble.

    With her family in danger, Tessa becomes a woman on a mission to find the con man's killer. Between a slew of suspects, a meandering moose, and a handsome newcomer with his eye on Tessa, she has her work cut out for her. But when the killer changes tactics—putting everything her family holds dear in jeopardy—Tessa begins to realize what home really means to her. Can she be the hero for her hometown before it's too late?

    ©2022 Rosalie Spielman (P)2023 Tantor

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