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  • Weird, Whacky, & Sometimes Cool Vol 2: A Book of Interesting Things, One Surprise at a Time

  • De : Inked Crown Publishing
  • Lu par : Tim Silhavy
  • Durée : 2 h et 14 min

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Weird, Whacky, & Sometimes Cool Vol 2: A Book of Interesting Things, One Surprise at a Time

De : Inked Crown Publishing
Lu par : Tim Silhavy
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    Dive into "Weird, Whacky, and Sometimes Cool 2: A Book of Interesting Things, One Surprise at a Time" and explore the most astonishing corners of our world. From the culinary quirks of melon-flavored curry and banana beer to the awe-inspiring natural spectacles of Bolivia's mirror-like salt flats and the mysterious Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan, this book is a treasure trove of the globe's most extraordinary phenomena. Each chapter is a journey into the vivid and the vibrant, bringing to life cultural practices, natural wonders, and human innovations that are seldom seen.

    Experience the solemnity of sky burials in Mongolia, the innovation of solar-powered glow-in-the-dark bike paths in Poland, and the peculiar tradition of wife-carrying in Finland. Perfect for curious minds, adventurers, and anyone fascinated by the bizarre, "Weird, Whacky, and Sometimes Cool 2" offers a unique blend of education and entertainment. This book is an exploration of the limits of what you thought was possible, one surprise at a time. Ideal for a unique birthday gift or a thoughtful present, this book appeals to boys, girls, brothers, sisters, kids, and adults alike. Whether you're shopping for a quirky friend, a curious nephew, or a sibling who loves to explore, "Weird, Whacky, and Sometimes Cool 2" is the perfect gift to ignite their imagination and introduce them to the wonders of the world.

    ©2024 Inked Crown Publishing (P)2024 Inked Crown Publishing

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