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Couverture de We Are Here

We Are Here

De : Michael Marshall
Lu par : Jeff Harding
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    It should have been the greatest day of David's life. A trip to New York, wife by his side, to visit his new publisher. Finally, after years of lonely struggle it looks as though the gods of fate are going to lift him from schoolteacher to writer.

    But on the way back to Penn station, a chance encounter changes all of that. He bumps into a stranger who covertly follows him, and then, just before they board their train home, passes by him close enough to whisper: 'Remember me'. The stranger follows them back to where they live, and it isn't long before David realises that this man wants something from him... something very personal, that he may have no choice but to surrender.

    Meanwhile, back in New York, ex-lawyer John Henderson does his girlfriend Kristina a favour and agrees to talk to Catherine Warren, an acquaintance of hers who believes she's being stalked by en ex-lover. But soon John realizes that Catherine's problem is more complex than anyone realized... There are people out there in the shadows, watching, wanting to be with you. They are the followers. And they're about to turn.

    Read by Jeff Harding. A native of New England, Jeff Harding has appeared in television productions as varied as Howard’s End, The Fast Show, Father Ted and NCS Manhunt. He has recorded many audiobooks, including Orion's The Last Templar, Robert Ludlum’s Bourne Trilogy and the best-selling Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code.

    ©2013 Michael Marshall (P)2013 Orion Publishing Group and Isis Publishing

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