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Ways to Detect Predatory Humans: Avoiding Covert and Overt Narcissistic Abuse and Exploitation

De : J.J. Hill, J.B. Snow
Lu par : Debbie Carlson-Gould
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Do you know that there are predators right under your nose? There are predatory humans just like there are predatory animals. These predatory humans don’t have your best interests in mind. They seek to use and exploit you. When a serial killer is caught, many of us are shocked to realize who it was, how handsome he was, how pretty she was, and how intelligent. The predatory human blends in with everyone else.

Suddenly, you find yourself dealing with a predatory human at work, school, in your family, in your child, or in other areas where you didn’t expect to find them. Because of genetics, we are entering into a narcissism epidemic. In 2015, one in four people were a narcissist. Today, that number is two-thirds of all people are narcissistic. That’s almost five billion people on the planet, with the minority of them being people like you who have a conscience and morals.

There is a thing called DRD4 long gene polymorphism that makes morally inferior, conscience-void, predatory human beings. The polymorphism of the long gene DRD4 means that more predatory humans are being born every day.

If the scientists and global warming are accurate, we will continually experience more and more weather events, increases in deadly pathogens and fungi, decreases in air quality, and more issues. We could go into a state of emergency, and if you don’t know how to spot a predatory human, you will be at the bottom of the food chain in the survival of the fittest.

What qualifies us to write this book? I am an author with over 100,000 readers who have been emailing me their stories of abuse and survival since 2015. I have been sought out by predators on several occasions due to having naïve parents who didn’t teach me much about the world. Additionally, I had trauma in my childhood which helped the predators identify me by the way I walk and talk - I will explain more on this later. I survived a relationship or two over the span of my life that were seriously volatile, and I came out of them with several serious injuries that I lived to tell about.

To do research for my books, I intentionally put myself into dangerous life-threatening situations. I intentionally tested my survival skills. I wanted to grow a thicker skin and become strong and resilient, instead of being a weak, little flower. I was probably crazy as hell in doing so, but I had to get over the mental and emotional traumas that being naïve had caused me. The traumas made me feel helpless and paralyzed, and I was sick and tired of feeling afraid. I’m not afraid anymore; of anything.

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©2019 J.J. Hill (P)2019 J.J. Hill
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