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Couverture de Way Walkers: Negating Destiny

Way Walkers: Negating Destiny

De : J. Leigh, Mac J. Rea
Lu par : Ross Pendleton
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    Bit by bit, stone by stone, Jathen is building a foundation on which will stand his mastery of his rare ability. If he can survive a few lumps from his teacher, that is. As Jathen gains more confidence and skill, things seem to be going his way, except for a still-looming prophecy of doom.

    Seeing the future may be something a talent like Jathen was born to do, but even Jathen’s most powerful teacher can only help so much in understanding what to do with those visions. Suddenly, the all-too-familiar rumbling beneath his feet begins, and disaster strikes.

    Has Jathen gained enough control to weather this storm of conflicting prophecies, evil schemes, and sundering earth? Can he piece together the real motivations behind this new attack, or will the truth, like him, get buried beneath a literal avalanche of ice and snow?

    ©2022 J. Leigh and Mac J. Rea (P)2022 Scribd Audio

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