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Watch My Smoke

De : Eric Dickerson
Lu par : Eric Dickerson
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    His style was iconic and vintage ’80s: aviator goggles, Jheri curls, neck roll, boxy pads.

    Eric Dickerson is the greatest player in Los Angeles Rams history and the NFL’s single-season record holder for most rushing yards. In 2019, Dickerson was named to the National Football League’s 100th Anniversary All-Time Team. With an elegant upright running style that produced some of football’s most-watched highlights, it was said he was so smooth you couldn’t hear his pads clack as he glided past you.

    But during his Hall of Fame career, his greatness was often overshadowed by his contentious disputes with Rams management about his contract. In the pre-free-agency era, tensions over his exploitative contract often overshadowed his accomplishments. "What’s his problem?" went the familiar refrain from the media. Can’t he just shut up and run?

    It’s time to reexamine how Eric Dickerson was portrayed. For the first time, he’s telling his story. And he’s not holding anything back.

    ©2022 Eric Dickerson (P)2022 Blackstone Publishing

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