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De : Dustin Kuhlman
Lu par : Dustin Kuhlman
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It is 2041. Mankind has pushed his planet from rapid climate change to the brink of nuclear holocaust. In the midst of the chaos, brilliant young scientists Jon Castel and Levi Clarke discover new data that suggests the situation is far more dire than anyone could have predicted. Soon after, the President forms a task force bent on taking drastic action against the impending doom. Through Jon's leadership, the task force determines that the best possible hope for mankind is to begin colonizing the moon, and eventually, Mars. Only a civilization that can come together from all corners of the globe will be able to handle such an immense problem. This will prove to be the ultimate test of unity and equality. Friendships are made, a love is rekindled, and an out of this world adventure ensues. Will mankind be forced into space? Who will be sent? What will they find there? What will happen to those left on Earth? Ironically, it may take the worst disaster man has ever known to uncover the greatest discovery in the history of mankind.

©2011 Dustin Kuhlman (P)2012 Dustin Kuhlman
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