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War & Peace in the Workplace

De : Jeanne Martinson
Lu par : Malcolm Bucholtz, Jeanne Martinson
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Wonder why we can’t just get along? Why we react to each other the way we do? Most conflict in the workplace comes from our differences - both our diversity in the big "D" issues such as race, gender, or ability but also diversity in the small "d" issues such as values, marital and family status, age, or thought processes. Diversity can be problematic, and it can be wonderful. As individuals and organizations, we can benefit from the many perspectives that create the synergy to move an organization forward by leaps and bounds. On the other hand, differences can bring conflict, toxic work groups, low morale, harassment, misunderstandings, and employee turnover.

Many organizations adopt respectful workplace or harassment policies. But this isn’t enough to realize the benefits of a diverse workforce or to minimize diversity-based conflict. We need to shift how we perceive and work with others. This book illustrates how we have the choice of allowing conflict to spiral down into dysfunction or of taking charge, becoming aware and developing understanding.

This abridged version of War & Peace in the Workplace - Diversity, Conflict, Understanding, Reconciliation includes the first six chapters of the book, as well as the chapters "Leaping the Generation Gaps" and "Why Should We Care".

©2006 Jeanne Martinson (P)2021 Jeanne Martinson
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