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  • Walking with Henry

  • Big Lessons from a Little Donkey on Faith, Friendship, and Finding Your Path
  • De : Rachel Anne Ridge
  • Lu par : Xe Sands
  • Durée : 5 h et 43 min

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Couverture de Walking with Henry

Walking with Henry

De : Rachel Anne Ridge
Lu par : Xe Sands
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    Just when you think it's the end of your story...grace shows up.

    Sometimes it arrives as a moment of joy in the middle of despair. Sometimes you find it next to a trusted friend along an old, well-trodden path. And sometimes, grace has fuzzy ears, a bristled mane, and hope for a new start.

    Join Rachel Anne Ridge, author of the beloved memoir Flash, in a journey back to the pasture. As she adopts a second rescue donkey as a little brother for Flash - a miniature named Henry - she finds that walking with donkeys has surprising lessons to teach us about prayer, renewing our faith, and connecting to God in fresh ways.  

    Fans all over the world fell in love with Flash and with Rachel's thoughtful, funny, and poignant stories about what life with a donkey can teach you. Now, meet Henry, and join him on a walk that could change everything about how you hope, trust, and move forward from past regrets.

    ©2019 Rachel Anne Ridge (P)2019 Tantor


    "This tender book will pull you into Rachel's and Henry's stories and lift you up to Jesus. I love this book!" -Sheila Walsh, author of It's Okay Not to Be Okay

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