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Waking Up to Worthiness

De : Melanie Weaver
Lu par : Melanie M. Weaver
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    By age 18, Melanie Weaver was a single parent with a traumatic past. By age 26, she topped the scales at 480 pounds and could barely walk without a cane. Bariatric surgery helped but didn't provide the lasting weight loss she craved. Then a miracle occurred. She learned she could change anything she wanted in her life through introspection and inner work. She woke up to her own worthiness and discovered a deep place of love, healing, and acceptance that empowered her to find her true self, make 300 pounds disappear without exercise, and continuously improve her life. 

    This is a story of struggle and triumph, of mountains that seemed too high to climb and assurance that anything is possible no matter how impossible the circumstances may seem. In this book, you will find inspiration for your own journey, along with simple strategies, tips, and tools to transform any challenge in your life to another step on the path to happiness and inner peace. 

    If you’re desperate to make changes in your life but feeling stuck and struggling to move forward despite your best intentions, this book is for you. You will learn how to take one step at a time to replace your insecurities, self-doubts, and fears with self-acceptance, self-love, and self-compassion to create effective and lasting improvements. Through real-life examples, you will be guided to invest in the inner work of self-discovery to unlock the keys that will work specifically and uniquely for your own life.

    ©2022 Melanie M. Weaver (P)2022 Melanie M. Weaver

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