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Couverture de Wake Up!

Wake Up!

De : Ruth Madanes, Yechezkel Madanes
Lu par : Kelly Dugger
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    Why do most people wander through life with a sense of an existential emptiness they are unable to neither fill nor explain? A sense that there is something bigger and more important they should be doing with their lives, if only they knew what it was? Why do people make the same mistakes over and over again, and consequently fail to be happy? 

    In Wake Up!: You Are Not You, Ruth and Yechezkel Madanes explain who we really are and what we are here for, as well as who we are not and what we aren't here for. They will help you discover that two voices coexist inside yourself: one that knows the correct thing to do, and the other that wants to just do as it pleases.

    Think about this: If you know what do you need to do, then who is doing the opposite? Combining their extensive background in personality types, coaching, and spirituality, Ruth and Yechezkel Madanes are helping people around the world to unmask and uncover their false self, identify the characteristics of their ego, and thus understand why they keep repeating the same mistakes.

    Once we discover who we are not, we are able to connect with our real selves and unleash the hidden power of the soul in our daily lives.

    ©2019 Waldorf Publishing (P)2020 Waldorf Publishing

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