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Couverture de Wake Me Up Before You Cocoa

Wake Me Up Before You Cocoa

De : Kimberley Montpetit
Lu par : Jessica Renee Ryan
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    Wade Kennedy is a Billionaire Real Estate Developer about to marry a wealthy NYC model despite still dreaming about his lost college sweetheart.

    Adorable quirky Marina Cormier inherits her grandmother's New Orleans antique store, positive that love has passed her by.

    When the biggest New Orleans real estate developer strolls into Marina Cormier’s newly inherited antique shop with a lost phone looking for its owner, Marina's heart is knocked clear into a past she’s been trying to forget.

    She should have locked the front door, flipped the sign to CLOSED, and turned out the lights when she spotted him on the sidewalk! Instead, Marina scrambles for cover behind one of her massive grandfather clocks.

    Sure enough, the man is Wade Kennedy, now Billionaire Kennedy with a capital “B” and capital Broad shoulders a mile wide from his days as star quarterback on the football team at the University of Alabama.

    There’s chemistry off the charts between them all over again—even after a decade has gone by. Only this time, there’s an even bigger problem. . . Another woman has dug her claws into Wade’s life, his Day-Planner, those magnificent shoulders of his—and his heart.

    When Wade and Marina are thrown together on a big project to renovate and sell a famous New Orleans historic mansion, can they keep things professional, or will their old love come roaring back? And what will they do about pretentious Lydia with a 3-carat diamond on her finger?

    This sweet and sassy Rom-Com is sure to keep you swooning all night long - while you enjoy a cup of hot cocoa and your favorite donut!

    ©2024 Kimberley Montpetit (P)2024 Kimberley Montpetit

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