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Couverture de Waiting for the Miracle

Waiting for the Miracle

De : Anna McPartlin
Lu par : Avena Mansergh-Wallace, Roisin O’Neill
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    Anna McPartlin's new novel is a powerful and emotional exploration of motherhood, filled with unique and unforgettable characters, as funny as it is moving and as poignant as it is wise.


    Caroline has hit rock bottom. After years of trying, it's clear she can't have children, and the pain has driven her and her husband apart. She isn't pregnant, her husband is gone and her beloved dog is dead.

    The other women at her infertility support group have their own problems, too. Natalie's girlfriend is much less excited about having children than she is. Janet's husband might be having an affair. And then there's Ronnie, intriguing, mysterious Ronnie, who won't tell anyone her story.


    Catherine is 16 and pregnant. Her boyfriend wants nothing to do with her, and her parents are ashamed. When she's sent away to a convent for pregnant girls, she is desperate not to be separated from her child. But she knows she might risk losing the baby forever.

    ©2021 Anna McPartlin (P)2021 Bonnier Books UK


    "Beautiful, heart-wrenching and raw. A joy." (Sinéad Moriarty)

    "An enthralling read with brilliant characterisation, heartbreaking plotting, and so many laughs along the way." (Liz Nugent)

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