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Couverture de WTF, God?

WTF, God?

De : Michelle N. Onuorah
Lu par : Kelli Boyd
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    Crossroads are an inevitable part of life. But how do you navigate them when your life is not your own? 

    At 22 years old, Michelle Onuorah was a best-selling author, former runway model, and recent college graduate with the world at her fingertips...or so she thought. In a matter of weeks that turned into months...and eventually most of her 20s, the God of the universe systematically revealed that he was also the God of her life - and she was not. With breathtaking candor, razor-sharp humor, and bold vulnerability, Michelle shares the 10 key lessons she’s learned about God, life, and understanding both in the midst of ceaseless transitions. 

    In her words, “This audiobook is for those of you who believed with all your heart that you would end up in one place and somehow, despite following God - or maybe even because of it - ended up on a completely different path. This is for those of you who, though you love God, sometimes wonder who he even is. This is for those of you who choose to believe he's still good." This audiobook is for you.  

    ©2019 Michelle N. Onuorah (P)2019 Michelle N. Onuorah

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