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Couverture de Void Kraken: Mission 9

Void Kraken: Mission 9

De : J.S. Morin, M.A. Larkin
Lu par : Mikael Naramore
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    That void kraken is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. And it eats planets.

    Unleashed from an alternate universe, the space-borne leviathan dubbed "void kraken" terrorizes the galaxy.

    The most powerful weapons barely scratch it. Whole fleets fall before it. Its movements are erratic. It's motives inscrutable. All anyone knows for sure is that if it isn't stopped, it's going to eat its way through the galaxy.

    Fujita Hiroko feels responsible for the beast's presence in the Milky Way. She tries to rally support to combat the creature, to form an unprecedented inter-species alliance to find a way to stop its rampage. Meanwhile, Cedric tries to find out all he can, searching the vaieen archive for records of the ancient race's own encounters with the void kraken. If he can find out how those mighty techno-wizards fought them and survived, maybe there's hope for the galaxy.

    But there's no time to waste. The stuunji homeworld is in the monster's path. If they don't act quickly, the peaceful refugee planet is doomed.

    Void Kraken is the ninth book in the Black Ocean: Astral Prime series. It hearkens back to location-based space sci-fi classics like Babylon 5 and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Astral Prime builds on the rich Black Ocean universe, introducing a colorful cast of characters for new and returning listeners alike. Come along for the ride as a minor outpost in the middle of nowhere becomes a key point of interstellar conflict.

    ©2018 J.S. Morin (P)2024 J.S. Morin

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