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Couverture de Vocabulary Power Up

Vocabulary Power Up

De : Sophia Mitchell
Lu par : Andrew Heisler, Mary Shilston
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    This course will expand a 7th grader's vocabulary by introducing new words in multiple ways, through explaining word definitions, using words in sentences, providing new words alongside words with similar meaning, telling stories involving the words and other games and activities to support vocabulary development. This repeated exposure to vocabulary in different contexts enables deeper comprehension of the meaning of vocabulary so that it can be applied appropriately in written and verbal communication and comprehension.

    The course is divided into 10 separate sessions initially sharing new vocabulary and then reviewing prior vocabulary to aid comprehension and recall as the course progresses. This is an ideal way to broaden your 7th grader's vocabulary (target age: 12-13 years old) different children may be above or below this level given natural variation in vocabulary learning by age, but virtually all 7th graders will be able to acquire new vocabulary from this creative and engaging course. Some examples of words included in this course are: wince, unscathed, belligerent, gratify, abdicate and of course many others. Vocabulary expansion is such an important part of language acquisition and development and this course can provide a boost in this important area.

    ©2023 Sophia Mitchell (P)2023 Historical Audiobooks
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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