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Couverture de Virus Mania

Virus Mania

De : Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio
Lu par : Dr. Samantha Bailey
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    The population is terrified by reports of so-called COVID-19, measles, swine flu, SARS, BSE, AIDS, or polio. However, the authors of "Virus Mania", investigative journalist Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD, and Dr. Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD, show that this fearmongering is unfounded and that virus mayhem ignores basic scientific facts: The existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven.

    The book, Virus Mania, will also outline how modern medicine uses dubious indirect lab tools claiming to prove the existence of viruses such as antibody tests and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The alleged viruses may, in fact, also be seen as particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs. These particles are then "picked up" by antibody and PCR tests and mistakenly interpreted as epidemic-causing viruses.

    The authors analyze all real causes of the illnesses named COVID-19, avian flu, AIDS, or Spanish flu, among them pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, pollution, malnutrition, and stress. To substantiate it, the authors cite dozens of highly renowned scientists, among them the Nobel laureates Kary Mullis, Barbara McClintock, Walter Gilbert, and Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet, as well as microbiologist and Pulitzer Prize winner René Dubos, and it presents more than 1,400 solid scientific references.

    The topic of Virus Mania is of pivotal significance. Drug makers and top scientists rake in enormous sums of money and the media boosts its audience ratings and circulations with sensationalized reporting (the coverage of the New York Times and Der Spiegel are specifically analyzed). The enlightenment about the real causes and true necessities for prevention, and cure of illnesses is falling by the wayside.

    ©2021 Torsten Engelbrecht (P)2021 Samantha Bailey

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