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Couverture de Viral BS

Viral BS

De : Seema Yasmin
Lu par : Seema Yasmin
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    Dissecting the biggest medical myths and pseudoscience, Viral BS explores how misinformation can spread faster than microbes.

    Can your zip code predict when you will die? Will testosterone supplements boost your libido? Should you space out childhood vaccines? Does talcum powder cause cancer? Why do some doctors recommend e-cigarettes while other doctors recommend you stay away from them? Health information - and misinformation - is all around us, and it can be hard to separate the two. A long history of unethical medical experiments and medical mistakes, along with a host of celebrities spewing anti-science beliefs, has left many wary of science and the scientists who say they should be trusted. How do we stay sane while unraveling the knots of fact and fiction to find out what we should really be concerned about, and what we can laugh off?

    In Viral BS, journalist, doctor, professor, and CDC-trained disease detective Seema Yasmin, driven by a need to set the record straight, dissects some of the most widely circulating medical myths and pseudoscience. Exploring how epidemics of misinformation can spread faster than microbes, Dr. Yasmin asks why bad science is sometimes more believable and contagious than the facts. Each chapter covers a specific myth, whether it has endured for many years or hit the headlines more recently.

    ©2021 Seema Yasmin (P)2021 HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books

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