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Couverture de Viola in the Spotlight

Viola in the Spotlight

De : Adriana Trigiani
Lu par : Carlotta Brentan
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    I am in the midst of a conundrum.

    Viola is finally where she belongs - back home in Brooklyn, where there are no khakis or sherbet-colored sweaters and people actually think her yellow flats are cool. With two whole months of nothing to do but hang with her two best friends, Andrew and Caitlin, this is going to be the best break ever!

    But her BFFAA, Andrew, has started acting weird around her, and a new boyfriend has her friend Caitlin ditching her every chance she gets. When Viola's roommates from Prefect Academy show up for a visit, she starts to wonder - is Brooklyn where she wants to stay? When a tragic event shakes everyone's world, Viola realizes it's not where she belongs that matters - it's who she's with that really counts.

    In this heartwarming follow-up to best-selling author Adriana Trigiani's teen debut, Viola in Reel Life, Viola just may be ready to get out from behind her trusty video camera and take the starring role in her own life.

    ©2011 Adriana Trigiani (P)2020 Random House Audio

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