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Couverture de Vintage BBC Radio Horror: The Slide, Night of the Wolf & Dark

Vintage BBC Radio Horror: The Slide, Night of the Wolf & Dark

De : Victor Pemberton
Lu par : full cast, Vincent Price, Roger Delgado, Maurice Denham, Honor Blackman, Nigel Anthony, Coral Browne, Bessie Love
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    A trio of terrifying radio tales starring Roger Delgado, Vincent Price and Honor Blackman.

    Author, playwright and TV producer Victor Pemberton was probably best known as a script editor and writer for Doctor Who, and as the inventor of the Doctor's trademark sonic screwdriver. But he also created numerous dramas for radio, among them the three cult classics included here. 

    The Slide: in the Kent new town of Redlow, the residents are shocked by a sudden earthquake. But a worse subterranean threat is still to emerge. When a torrent of mud oozes from the fissure and the local wildlife begins to die, expert seismologist Professor Gomez is called in. His analysis reveals the awful truth: the mud is sentient, intelligent - and lethal.... Roger Delgado and Maurice Denham star in this thrilling seven-part sci-fi serial. 

    Night of the Wolf: March, 1883, and a monster is on the loose in the East Anglian Fens.... Concerned about his missing son, Robert, Judge Mathew Deacon travels from Pennysylvania to Cambridge to find out what has become of him. His inquiries lead him to the remote Northcott Manor, deep in the marsh country, where he finds a family hiding dark secrets - and comes face to face with a werewolf.... This Gothic horror play stars Vincent Price and Coral Browne. 

    Dark: Virginia's lover was murdered and her husband hanged. Then, years later, inexplicable events occur in the room where the murder took place. Summoned to investigate, medium Simon Elliott becomes possessed by people from the past. Can the dead really return to exert control over the living? Honor Blackman, Bessie Love and Nigel Anthony star in this suspenseful paranormal thriller. 

    Produced by John Tydeman

    The Slide
    Professor Josef Gomez - Roger Delgado
    Hugh Deverill MP - Maurice Denham
    Janet Marshall - Elisabeth Proud
    Dr Ken Richards - David Spenser
    Anna Deverill - Marion Mathie
    'Tug' Wilson - Stephen Jack
    Mrs Wilson - Miriam Margolyes
    Sergeant Johnson - Wilfred Babbage
    Inspector Baxter - Geoffrey Matthews
    Constable/First Journalist/Pilot - Anthony Jackson
    Professor Landers - Rolf Lefebvre
    Professor Lippert - Allan McClelland
    Newscaster/AC2 Gibbons - Nigel Graham
    Mrs Luke - Noel Hood
    Nursing Sister - Eva Haddon
    Sorensen - Fraser Kerr
    RAF Corporal - Anthony Hall
    Barry - Glyn Dearman
    Nurse - Patricia Leventon
    Dr Robeson - Michael Kilgarriff
    Second Journalist - Hector Ross
    Third Journalist/Policeman/Ground Control - Brian Hewlett
    American Journalist - Peter Marinker
    Vicar - Noel Howlett
    Margaret Griffiths MP - Joan Matheson
    TV Interviewer - Henry Stamper
    Special effects: The BBC Radiophonic Workshop
    First broadcast BBC Radio Light Programme, 13th February - 27th March 1966

    Night of the Wolf
    Judge Mathew Deacon - Vincent Price
    Robert Deacon, his son - Peter Whitman
    Mrs Northcott - Coral Browne
    Sybil, her daughter - Sheila Grant
    Dorothy, Sybil's daughter - Elizabeth Proud
    Nicholas, Sybil's son - John Rye
    Griffin, an undergraduate - Michael Cochrane
    Professor Forrester - Hugh Manning
    Sir Richard Burnett - Haydn Jones
    Morris - Paul Gaymon
    Jessie - Norma Ronald
    Technical assistants Jock Parrell, Marsail MacCuish, David Bitchinson and Alister Wilson
    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 9th August 1975

    Virginia Preston - Honor Blackman
    Mother - Bessie Love
    Simon Elliott - Nigel Anthony
    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 27th February 1978

    ©2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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