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  • Victory at Hawaii, December 1941

  • America Defeats the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
  • De : Frank Jefferson
  • Lu par : Ryan Allen
  • Durée : 1 h et 37 min

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Victory at Hawaii, December 1941

De : Frank Jefferson
Lu par : Ryan Allen
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    What if earlier in 1941, the United States had specific intelligence about the upcoming Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and had acted upon this information?

    In Victory at Hawaii: America Defeats the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, the decades-old question is explored—how could the US be so surprised and defeated on December 7, 1941 by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? And how could, just six months later in June 1942, the US Navy deal a crushing blow to the Japanese Fleet at the Battle of Midway? We all know that the US had some important intelligence indicating that the Japanese were going to attack us at Midway Island. But what if earlier in 1941, America had specific intelligence about the upcoming Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and had acted on it?

    In this exciting new novella, Victory at Hawaii: America Defeats the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, by Frank Jefferson, a time traveler goes back in time to 1941 to warn President Roosevelt and his military leaders about the upcoming attack on Pearl Harbor. Listen to this compelling audiobook to see if President Roosevelt and his advisors believe him and act on this information, and see how the Pacific War could have worked out differently.

    If you think this book would be interesting, please scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button. Make sure to leave a review, thank you.

    ©2022 Frank Jefferson (P)2022 Frank Jefferson

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