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  • Victory Run

  • Turning Trials into Triumphs
  • De : Gabe Cox
  • Lu par : Gabe Cox
  • Durée : 5 h et 9 min

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Victory Run

De : Gabe Cox
Lu par : Gabe Cox
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    The limiting beliefs and mental barriers holding you back in the face of trial don’t have to define you; rather, choose to let them refine your mental fortitude and strengthen your resilience and faith muscles. When you are willing to step into the fire of refinement, you can use life’s trials and turn them into something beautiful.

    That’s what Gabe did in the face of a crippling injury that took her off course for more than a year. The road to recovery was surprisingly grueling with many unexpected bumps along the way. Follow her journey as she takes you through her tears and frustrations and shares how the 2021 Boston Marathon became her Victory Run.

    Victory Run will outline the process for you to break barriers–mental, physical, and emotional. When life hits you hard and events knock you off track, turn to this book to refuel your spirit and propel you through your finish line and back into the victory circle.

    ©2022 Cox Creatives LLC (P)2022 Cox Creatives LLC

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