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  • Victory

  • Applying the Proven Principles of Military Strategy to Achieve Greater Success in Your Business and Personal Life
  • De : Brian Tracy
  • Lu par : Brian Tracy
  • Durée : 8 h et 42 min

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De : Brian Tracy
Lu par : Brian Tracy
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    By bestselling author Brian Tracy, a revised and updated edition of this indispensable field guide to using military strategies to win in business and life.

    The modern world can be a battleground, but key strategies that have helped history's great leaders triumph in military campaigns can also be used to achieve business and personal success. Brian Tracy is a leading authority on success and achievement, authoring bestsellers including Eat That Frog!, and raising millions toward advancement with his guidance. In this fully revised and updated edition of a classic, Tracy presents 12 core principles of successful military commanders and how to apply them in almost any situation and emerge victorious, including proven methods to:

    · Concentrate your strengths in the most effective way to reach your goals
    · Gather game-changing intelligence to determine the best approach
    · Decide when to go on the offensive vs. cover your bases
    · Exploit the element of surprise for maximum benefit

    Packed with Tracy's transformative advice, Victory! arms listeners with powerful skills and a practical road map to unlock their potential for greatness in business and in life.

    ©2002 Brian Tracy (P)2016 Gildan Media LLC

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