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De : Catherine Texier
Lu par : Josephine Bailey
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In this lush, lyrical, and marvelously evocative novel, Catherine Texier takes a mystery from her family's past and draws from it a portrait of a remarkable woman, her great-grandmother Victorine. A young schoolteacher in a quiet province in France, Victorine had married and had two children. But when she falls desperately in love, she makes a startling choice, leaving her family for her lover and a new life in Indochina.

On a single day in 1940, as Victorine reflects on her past, we travel back with her, from the willow-lined canals of her childhood home in Vendie to sun-drenched days and languorous nights along the Mekong River at the dawn of the 20th century. Hers is an unforgettable story of adventure and self-discovery, of a woman's struggle between duty and independence, tradition and freedom, longing and regret.

©2004 Catherine Texier
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    "A steely, delicate fictional tale....Texier offers seamless transitions between the past and present." (Publishers Weekly)
    "With lush, vivid description, Texier brings to life both the world around Victorine and the woman herself." (Booklist)

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