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Couverture de Vanguard Wing

Vanguard Wing

De : J.N. Chaney, Rick Partlow
Lu par : John Pirhalla
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    Charlie Travers didn’t ask to be the leader of a rebellion…but no one else wanted the job.

    Now that he’s gathered an army and armed them with the deadliest starfighter ever made, the legendary Vanguards, he just needs one more thing: someone who knows how to fly the things.

    Unfortunately, no one has been behind the stick of a Vanguard in hundreds of years, since the end of the war that threw the galaxy into chaos. Their only hope lays in the legends of a crashed ship, a fighter crew frozen in stasis for centuries.

    A crew of pilots from the ruthless Kamerian Alliance, the fearsome ravagers who once sought to rule the galaxy. Even if they’re willing to help, can they be trusted?

    Charlie’s going to have to find out. Because it’s not just the Anguilar Empire that’s after him. The bounty hunter Seraph Nix is still out there, seeking revenge for the death of her crew.

    And Seraph Nix always gets her man.

    ©2024 Variant Publications (P)2024 Variant Publications

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