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Couverture de Valley of the Moon

Valley of the Moon

De : Melanie Gideon
Lu par : William Hope, Laurel Lefkow
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    In the heart of the Sonoma Valley, on the edge of a sun-drenched meadow, lies the idyllic community of Greengage - where the residents wear simple clothes and lead quiet lives and whose manners could almost seem to be of another time.

    Into this world stumbles single mother Lux Lysander, trying to lose herself in the peaceful beauty of the Californian countryside while her young son visits his grandparents. It's a world far away from the unpaid bills piling up and the overwhelming sense of struggle to make ends meet.

    ©2017 Melanie Gideon (P)2017 HarperCollins Publishers


    "Lovingly handcrafted, delectable and transcendent." (San Francisco Chronicle)
    "Beautifully written...[Valley of the Moon is] a wonderful story about belonging love and the aching certainty that there's something more out there.... Sure to appeal to fans of Time and Again or The Time Traveler's Wife." (Shelf Awareness)
    "Magical cinematic...Valley of the Moon is breathlessly romantic." (Sarah Addison Allen)

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