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Couverture de Vallance Rising

Vallance Rising

De : David Partelow
Lu par : Freddie Heinz
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    The Vallance War Series continues with book three.

    Norryn Ashener has returned. After five years of absence the young heir has emerged, turning the tides of battle and giving Vallance its first taste of real victory. With Nathaniel Cresul slain, the forces of Thorne have retreated. The people rejoice as the void of leadership is filled, bringing a sense of real hope. The country is afforded a brief respite and finally a chance to even the odds against an unrelenting foe.

    Thrust into the daunting role of restoring his nation, Norryn is torn between his overwhelming purpose and the need for Serra to understand. The young leader must now face the burden of his destiny. But as he attempts to find a way to set things right, a dark enemy emerges from the lands of Thorne, casting a shadow greater than Vallance has ever endured. While Vallance regroups, Trennon Raymses is sent to investigate a distress signal from Fort Owens in the region of Shayor.

    Accompanied by a small contingent of troops, Trennon and his men soon find themselves thrust in a viscous struggle for survival with a vengeful adversary. Cut off from all assistance and working to keep important allies alive, Trennon and the inhabitants of the fort must endure alone.

    With time running out to galvanize his people, Norryn will be forced to face his ultimate fate and the price of such a burden. Pushing himself to the limits, Norryn fights against the treachery that remains within his country’s borders. But as looming evil threatens to enfold, it finds the young heir ready at last. And now, through the ashes and pain, the world watches on as Vallance begins to rise.

    ©2014, 2019 David Partelow (P)2024 David Partelow

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