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  • Uprising

  • Who the Hell Said You Can't Ditch and Switch? - The Awakening of Diamond and Silk
  • De : Diamond and Silk
  • Lu par : Diamond and Silk
  • Durée : 10 h et 13 min

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    “There were these two women, these two beautiful, wonderful women, and I said, ‘Well, let me check it out.’ It took me about two seconds to say, ‘stardom.’” (Donald J. Trump)

    “Diamond and Silk are a national treasure, and their astonishing, heartwarming story is nothing less than an American classic. Get ready to be bowled over.” (Mark Levin)

    Who are Diamond and Silk? Donald Trump’s biggest fans. A national treasure. A force of nature. A political awakening that can’t be stopped. And a natural antidepressant. Diamond and Silk are all that and more.

    The very sight and sound of these insightful and ebullient ladies lifts spirits and opens minds. Diamond and Silk are a unique phenomenon impossible to pigeonhole - or to control.

    And now they tell their own story for the first time. In this account of their amazing journey, told in their own inimitable and irresistible voices, you’ll learn:

    • How the sisters Lynette and Rochelle Hardaway - a.k.a. Diamond and Silk - “were created for such a time as this”
    • How the bridge between their mother’s sharecropping family and their father, a middle-class business owner, shaped their characters
    • Why being “preacher’s kids” was a blessing - and a challenge
    • How working in North Carolina textile plants gave Diamond and Silk early insight into the way NAFTA was hurting Americans and exporting jobs to Mexico
    • Why they supported Donald Trump from the minute he announced his candidacy
    • Why Diamond and Silk will never desert Trump - despite being offered large monetary rewards to switch candidates
    • How social media moguls tried to shut them down and shut them up, lied to them, and gave them the runaround
    • How after gaslighting them for six months, 29 days, five hours, 40 minutes, and 43 seconds, Facebook made the preposterous claim that Diamond and Silk were “unsafe for the community”
    • Practical advice for succeeding the Diamond and Silk way: why “rejection is God’s protection - and redirection” and “your haters make you greater"
    ©2020 Hardrich, Inc. (P)2020 Audible, Inc.

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