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Couverture de Upheld in the Battle

Upheld in the Battle

De : Linda Jo Reed
Lu par : Deb Thomas
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    Every generation must discover the truths of life. In listening to this audiobook, listeners will:

    • Be reminded of God's never-ending care for them
    • Be reinforced when they take steps of faith
    • Rediscover why they were made
    • Be encouraged to move forward
    • Be challenged to strongly persevere
    • Realize and understand better the kinship of suffering

    The audiobook will show:

    • Bible stories still edify and educate
    • The Bible can be trusted to tell us the truth
    • God can be trusted to tell us the truth about Himself
    • God can be trusted to tell us the truth about ourselves
    • Practical spiritual tools with which to grow and fight
    • Show how some things can only be left at the Cross
    • It is possible to stand and fight and not run away
    • How God honors those who honor him

    ©2014 Linda Jo Reed (P)2014 Linda Jo Reed

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