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Couverture de Upheaval


De : Bern Dean, Cynthia Dean
Lu par : Rebecca Woods
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    Quick, roll your stats!

    Now are you good? Evil? Or just whatever you want to be? Who do you wish to worship? Want to stay human or become something else, say like an elf, dwarf, or gnome? Or maybe you want to be one of the monsters that the world will be facing? Are you smart enough to know more languages just because Are you a fighter, wizard, rogue, or a heal bot cleric?

    Make sure to choose your abilities and skills with care, they may just save your life. Oh, and don't forget armor and something to hit things with.

    Wait, you ran out of time!? Better find a cleric and level up to finish, or else you're going to die and you'll only have yourself to blame for lollygagging.

    Now, join Jason as he figures all of this out and decides what path he will walk as the world around him changes drastically without notice. Will he succeed or fail? How will he handle the tough decisions that such an apocalyptic situation presents? Finally, just what role does the witch Caitlin have to play in everything?

    Real quick for those who are wondering: Yes, this is a LitRPG/gamelit story. No, it's not a harem, but it will have a bit of bigamy in it. Yes, my wife/coauthor who can't stand harem has agreed with how it's done. No, we didn't write any naughty fun time scenes. Yes, there is adventure. No, it's not another VR adventure. And finally, yes, there are zombie chickens!

    So, welcome to Role-Playing Gamified Earth, if you survive that is...

    ©2024 Bern's Books LLC (P)2024 Podium Audio

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