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Couverture de Unyielding


De : Violetta Rand
Lu par : Antony Ferguson
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    Betrayed by his father, Prince Kuresh earns his Highland name (Kai MacKay) and position as captain of the guard through loyal service and unshakable love for his new homeland. But now that he has found happiness in a new place, there's only one thing he needs to feel complete - the heart of fiery Miran MacKay.  

    Miran MacKay is fiercely independent and has lived life on her own terms, until she is forced to accept her noble birth and act like a lady. But wearing pretty gowns doesn't mean she's changed on the inside.  

    Familiar with heartbreak and loneliness, Miran is unwilling to risk her love on a dark-eyed heathen from a foreign land her cousin the laird wants her to marry. At least that's what she tells everyone, but secretly, she wants everything Kai offers her.  

    Will a trip across the northern Highlands in winter draw Kai and Miran together, the undeniable heat between them thawing her frosty heart, or will fate separate them when an unknown enemy with a long-standing grudge threatens the life of the man Miran has grown to love?

    ©2019 Violetta Rand (P)2019 Tantor

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