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  • Until We Meet Again

  • A Men of the Misfit Inn Prequel Novella
  • De : Kait Nolan
  • Lu par : Amy McFadden
  • Durée : 3 h et 4 min

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Couverture de Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again

De : Kait Nolan
Lu par : Amy McFadden
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    Freshly sprung from the Marines, Griffin Powell is looking for some fun. Las Vegas offers the perfect playground to blow off some steam before getting to the serious work of deciding what to do with his life. He never expects that fun to include the high school crush who tutored him years ago.

    Samantha Ferguson arrives in Vegas for a friend's wedding only to get dumped by text. Desperate not to be the only single in a sea of couples, she makes an impulsive offer to the former bad boy she used to tutor in high school: Be her fake boyfriend for the weekend.

    Griff knows he's not the guy for Sam, but he can't resist saying yes for the chance to get to know this grown-up version of the girl who once starred in all his dreams. Turns out, there's not a lot of faking it involved. Between the single bed and the endless couples activities, new feelings flare from the old, until they both fall under the spell of Sin City.

    Will what happens in Vegas stay in Vegas? Or will one impulsive weekend be the start of a brand-new forever?

    Note to listeners: This is a prequel novella and does not end with a happily ever after or happy for now. Their story continues in Come a Little Closer.

    ©2021 Kait Nolan (P)2022 Kait Nolan

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